A space to find helpful tips and tricks about dignity and what it means for you!

What are children's rights?

Every single person in Scotland has human rights – children have rights to make sure they grow up healthy, happy and safe. Human rights come from the government – they’re laws, and nobody can take them away from you. You can think of rights like promises – promises adults have made to help keep children healthy, happy and safe. If a child ever feels scared or worried or unhappy, it’s important they talk to someone they trust who will try and help them with their worry. No worry is too big or too small.

The calm zone has been created by the digital design panel at Stoneywood.
Use this space to relax and play
What have we been up to?
A dignometer is a tool by which we can learn and talk about human dignity.

We have thought about how children have rights at different stages in their life
We have made animated films showing the elements of a joyful school

We made a deck of cards about defending children’s rights, we then thought about how to play them!
We built a tower that represented positive relationships between children and adults in school. Each of the bricks had a quality of these relationships written on it. The piranhas are in the moat around the tower. These are the things we want to do/ want adults to do so that these positive relationships are protected.