Dignity in School

Starter Pack

So you want to implement a children’s rights approach in your classroom?
You have come to the right place – here, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to make sure that your classroom space has rights at the heart of it. Our principle concept of Dignity helps in the understanding of children’s rights. Feeling respect for yourself and others creates a dynamic where each human can be themselves and embrace their difference, where everyone is important and special – creating classroom where everyone is valued and dignified. Happy, healthy and safe are the keywords which will be used to translate a children’s rights language making it a more palpable concept.

More To Explore

Capturing Dignity

Session Plans
Citizenship, UNCRC focused

Exploring Dignity

Session Plans
UNCRC focused

Language Café

Session Plans

Equity and Equality

Session Plans
Anti-racism, Gender Equality

Friendship and Learning

Session Plans
Positive Relationships

Peaceful Playgrounds

Session Plans
Healthy Minds , Positive Relationships

Friendship in the Playground

Session Plans
Positive Relationships

What to do with a worry

Session Plans
Healthy Minds , Positive Relationships

Shout Free Resolutions

Session Plans
Healthy Minds , Positive Relationships

Calm Classrooms

Session Plans
Healthy Minds , Positive Relationships

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